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Purpose. Passion. Pride.

Posted Date: 05/12/2021

You don’t have to look very hard to see the sway-back “P” and the words PURPOSE. PASSION. PRIDE. in Pampa schools. These three simple words are so much more than just a district image and logo. They are the three words that describe the very essence of WHO we are as a school district, HOW we are as a group of human beings, and WHAT we are as a community.


PURPOSE: This one might seem obvious to everyone. The purpose of a school district is to educate. Right? What has happened over the past several years has made what should be an obvious purpose into what many may call “convoluted.” With an increased focus on standardized testing, grade point averages, and a race to the top, this pure purpose has, what some might say, been lost in translation. We all want our children to learn how to think, how to reason, how to consume information, and how to solve problems. We want them to be able to read, to write, and do calculations. Moreover, we want them to become independent, productive, wage-earning citizens with a sense of moral, ethical, and civic duties and obligations. The question has never really been WHAT we want; I believe the real dilemma is in HOW we accomplish this goal. Each generation believes that the way they were educated is superior to the next. Each generation believes they can fix what the last generation didn’t do well, correctly, or even at all. One could pontificate on this forever and never land on a definitive answer. So, what do we do in Pampa ISD to reach this goal? We remember that our PURPOSE is to educate and do our very best to do the right things for the right reasons for every child, every day. What we must realize is that HOW we do that will be different for every child and will require much more than a standardized approach. I believe that in Pampa ISD we see the face of each child and truly want to do what is necessary so that he/she may reach their full potential and full PURPOSE in life.


PASSION: This is the best word to describe our teachers, administrators, and staff. These people work with such drive and desire it is inspiring to see every day. The educators that work in Pampa schools have an understanding that they are serving students and families all the while providing a standard of excellence and developing a growth mindset within our school community to never settle for “good enough.” We must challenge ourselves and others to do more and to be more. The synergy that is felt in professional learning communities and within our classrooms is powerful. This PASSION fuels our work and motivates us on a daily basis to explain something -one more time, to describe an event- one more time, and to design an experience- one more time-- every day! The work of an educator is exhausting and full of demands, requirements, and laws. However, it is also full of compassion, kindness, and joy. The latter is how we find inspiration to “suit up, show up, and never give up” every day. We are PASSION personified.


PRIDE: This is evident throughout our community. One can feel the pride not only in our schools, but in our neighborhoods, in our businesses, in our churches, and in our city. In Pampa ISD, we call it the “Harvester Spirit.” We believe in the power of community and in the possibilities that abound when we work together for the same goal. We see this through the selfless giving and heartfelt service from numerous groups including civic clubs, VIPS, churches, and countless individuals who donate their time, talents, and money for our students. A word we will never use to describe ourselves is “perfect.” I don’t apologize for this; this is part of the human condition. But, we do strive for perfection and that is noble. This PRIDE grows stronger every day that we continue to work together as a community with a great PASSION that is driven by a common PURPOSE. I am honored to be a part of this wonderful school district and this amazing community. #PampaProud


Published on 11/10/2016

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