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What's Your Plan?

Posted Date: 05/11/2021

On August 15, Pampa ISD staff came together at their annual Convocation to kick off the 2016-2017 school year. All morning long Pampa ISD teachers and staff were faced with one overriding question: What’s Your Plan? This message greeted Pampa ISD employees at every turn—from the moment they donned their school shirts (with What’s Your Plan? emblazoned on the back) to the giant letters greeting them as they walked in the building to the motivating address delivered by Superintendent Tanya Larkin. Larkin emphasized that from a young age children are asked what they are going to be when they grow up but rarely do we ask them what their plan is for getting there. Larkin said that one of her favorite quotes is “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” What’s Your Plan? will be the big question for everyone at Pampa ISD this year. To introduce the concept, Jett Richards, a state champion film editor and senior member of the Student Ambassadors, shared a video with Pampa ISD staff about how to reach your goals. The link to the video is below. 


What's Your Plan? video by Jett Richards

What's Your Plan?

What's Your Plan? Staff

Published on 08/16/2016

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