Mission, Vision, and Goals
The Mission of Pampa ISD is to produce learners who are compassionate, competent, confident, and future-ready!
Pampa ISD students are courageous innovators utilizing their own unique abilities to invest in their world.
Goal 1: We will design aligned PK-12 programs to create a competitive, successful, and aligned educational experience for all.
1.1 Systems: Design and implement a system to coordinate the alignment process.
1.2 Extracurricular: Provide comprehensive extracurricular programs that will increase student participation and success.
1.3 Academics: Design aligned academic programs.
1.4 Student Poplulations: Create vertically and horizontally aligned student programs.
1.5 High-Quality Staff: Recruit, grow, retain high quality human talent.
1.6 Instructional Components: Ensure quality of aligned instructional processes.
Goal 2: We will invest in safe, innovative schools.
2.1 Facilities: Design and invest in facilities to support current and future needs of all students.
2.2 Evaluate/Assess/Research: Implement continuous school improvement focused on innovation.
2.3 Programs: Expand programs to include a variety of integrated real-life opportunities through innovative and technology-rich programs.
Goal 3: We will foster an actively engaged, unified community culture in the relentless pursuit of our vision.
3.1 Unified Alignment: Create a unified community with a shared identity.
3.2 Communication: Communicate effectively with all stakeholders.
3.3 Family and Community Engagement: Expand opportunities for meaningful family and community engagement in our education system.
3.4 Relationship Building: Build intentional relationships to shatter social constraints prohibiting student success.