Pictured: Pampa ISD Board of Trustees and Principals during Board Appreciation Month. Left to Right: Clay Jones(Principal, Pampa High School), Cade Taylor (Board Member), Lisa Smith (Campus Coordinator, Wilson Elementary), David Godino (Board Vice-President), Dr. Byron May (Principal, Travis Elementary), Dr. Misty LeBlanc (Board Member), Dr. Emily Arrington (Board Member), Carrie Williams (Director of Pampa Learning Center), Dr. Bethany Davis (Principal, Lamar Elementary), Denise Intemann (Board Secretary), Luis Nava (Board Member), Lacie Jones (Principal, Austin Elementary), Richard Qualls (Board President), Sachio Petit (Principal, Pampa Junior High), Hugh Piatt (Superintendent)
School Board Elections
Board elections are held in odd-numbered years in May. Board members are elected for four-year terms on a rotating basis. Trustees are elected according to an at-large cumulative voting method. This means that each voter has a number of votes equal to the number of trustee positions up for election. Voters may cast their votes in any combination for the candidates. Since they are elected at-large, Pampa ISD Board members do not represent a certain geographical area of the District; rather, they each represent all students and all residents of Pampa ISD.
The next Pampa ISD School Board election will be on May 3, 2025. Positions up for election at that time are currently held by Cade Taylor, Luis Nava, David Godino, Misty LeBlanc.
Those interested in applying for a position on the School Board and who meet the eligibility requirements listed may complete an application for a place on the ballot. The filing period will be January 15 – February 14, 2025.
To be eligible for school board service, an individual must**:
Be a U.S. citizen
Be at least 18 years old
Have not been determined to be mentally incapacitated
Have not been convicted of a felony charge
Be a resident of Texas and the Pampa Independent School District
Be registered to vote**
**For more information on school board elections and qualifications for school board members, see policy BBA(LEGAL) ) or call the Pampa ISD Office of the Superintendent at 806-669-4700.
Applications may be submitted in person to the Office of the Superintendent at the Pampa ISD Administration Building, 1233 N Hobart, Pampa, TX, 79065. Business office hours are 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday – Friday.
Pampa ISD School Board Election – Saturday, May 3, 2025
Election Information
Notice of Deadline to File an Application for Place on the Ballot
Application For a Place on the General Election Ballot 2025
May 3, 2025, General Election Information
May 3, 2025, Información sobre las Elecciones Generales
Notice of General Election: May 3, 2025
Order of Election: May 3, 2025
Notice of Drawing for Place on the Ballot
Candidate Information
Review the Texas Secretary of State and Texas Ethics Commission website information: elections, forms/instructions, FAQ, etc.
Texas Ethics Commission
Applications for Place on the May 3, 2025 Ballot
Place 4: Collin Rains, Kaleb Snelgrooes
Place 5: David Godino
Place 6: Cade Taylor
Place 7: Misty LeBlanc