Inclement Weather Planning and Communication

Inclement Weather Planning 

In cases of inclement weather, Pampa ISD works in partnership with the City of Pampa, emergency management personnel, and the Pampa ISD Safety and Security Department. Personnel will be out inspecting road conditions as early as 4:00 am determining the impact of ice/snow on our roadways. 

District personnel will collaborate with all information available to determine the safety and security of our staff and students, the impact on parents if there is a delay/closure/early release, and the impact on District operations to support student instruction and learning. 

When possible, the Pampa ISD Superintendent and support staff will make a decision no later than 6:00 a.m. for a delayed start or school closure. At that time, the District will initiate communications through ParentSquare, social media, local tv/radio, and the Pampa ISD website. The District will only initiate major communication if there is a change to the regular school day and school operations due to weather.

Delayed Start (2 Hour Delay)

When possible, the superintendent will make a decision no later than 6:00 a.m. The district will communicate weather-related delays through ParentSquare(emails, texts, app notifications, and phone calls). Information will also be available on the main page of the district website,, as well as, the district's social media platforms(Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).

  • In the case of a delayed start, all school operations would have a two-hour delay. For example, the elementary school start time of 7:45 a.m. would be 9:45 a.m. with a delayed start. 

  • If your student rides the bus, the bus will come two hours later than the usual pick-up time. All staff will report to work 2 hours later than the usual report time.

  • All early morning student activities, meetings, and practices will be canceled/postponed. Please watch for specific communications from staff on the rescheduling of those events.

  • School will dismiss at the regular time. 

School Closure

When possible, the superintendent will make a decision no later than 6:00 a.m. The district will communicate weather-related delays through ParentSquare(emails, texts, app notifications, and phone calls). Information will also be available on the main page of the district website,, as well as, the district's social media platforms(Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram). Information will also be communicated to the local radio and Amarillo news stations.

  • All district offices and campuses will be closed.

  • All activities and practices will be canceled.

In the case of school closure, please continue to monitor district communications for additional information for the following days and any continued weather impact on district operations.