Pampa ISD Thanks Community For Passage of Bond
Pampa ISD voters passed Proposition A & B of the proposed 2023 Bond with 59 percent approving the $130 million package to address aging facilities, safety and security, and career and technical education.
The approved bond package for Proposition A provides funding to construct a new replacement Career and Technology Education facility and additions and renovations at Travis Elementary. Proposition B authorizes the board to sell bonds in the future to fund these projects when property tax growth increases. One hundred percent of the cost would be covered by industry and energy.
The election brought more than 2,200 voters to the polls.
“We are so blessed to have the support of our Pampa ISD community,” said Superintendent Hugh Piatt. “This bond passage will help us effectively address several issues we’ve been experiencing for years.”
Proposition A includes a new Travis Elementary school. Built in 1959, the current campus is undersized and outdated. A new addition will house 4th and 5th graders. The original Travis Elementary building will be renovated once the new addition is complete.
The state of Texas doesn’t provide funding for facilities. By law, bond funds may not be used to fund daily operating expenses or salaries. Bond funds may only be used for projects approved by district voters. “It’s left up to the community to find a way to build new schools or expand existing schools when faced with these issues,” said Piatt. “We’ve worked hard to manage funds conservatively and will continue to be good stewards for the Pampa ISD community.”
The District has a record of actively managing its outstanding debt to achieve savings for taxpayers. Approximately 69% percent of outstanding voted bond debt service (principal and interest) will be repaid within the next 10 years – well above the state average.
The district will now get to work on the next steps and begin coordinating with architects to conduct a competitive bidding process for each project, as well as finalizing a construction schedule and working with district financial advisors to establish a bond program schedule.
“We’re grateful to our community for all the support they provide to our schools, our students, and staff,” said Piatt.“This is a wonderful community that I’m proud to serve.”
Project Updates
Our Bond 2023 program is in full swing. Temporary utility lines for the Career and Technology Education (CTE) and Fine Arts wing at PHS are currently being rerouted. Layout designs and the 3-D model are nearly complete. You will begin seeing the destruction of the current band and choir building later this semester. The design phase of the new addition to Travis Elementary is underway. This project will be about three months behind PHS to allow construction crews to move from project to project. This should facilitate both projects being ready for the 2027 school year. Thank you to everyone who served on one of our Strategic Planning Committees for making this dream a reality.

Design Phase