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Schools Combating Sicknessā€¦

Posted Date: 05/13/2021

Schools Combating Sicknessā€¦

If you have not been sick, (lucky for you) chances are someone in your family has dealt with some kind of ailment in the past few weeks. The students and staff in Pampa ISD schools are no exception! We are battling the flu, strep, stomach viruses, allergies gone bad, just to name a few. I felt compelled to communicate with the community about the measures we are taking in our schools to combat the sickness, to prevent the widespread contamination of germs, and to ensure that those who return to school do not get sick again. We are disinfecting all surfaces DAILY and using everything that we are legally allowed to use in schools to kill germs. This includes classrooms, desks/tables, bathrooms, office areas, door handles, etc. We are also disinfecting all busses twice a day before and after each route is completed. Additionally, on a very regular basis, we have a company called GermBlast disinfect our medical self-contained rooms and all of our locker rooms while students and staff are not in the building. This is an added measure we have taken in Pampa ISD for many years to combat staph infections and general cold and flu germs as well. 

We can’t do this alone. We need your help. If you or your child has a fever, chances are you are contagious. Please consider this before sending your child to school. Yes, attendance is critical to the success of our students and the overall financial health of our school system. However, we must do everything we can to end this local outbreak of sickness. Please encourage your student to cough/sneeze into the bend of their elbow and to wash their hands often. We appreciate your patience and support as we work alongside our students, staff, and parents to get well and to keep our schools clean and as germ-free as possible. Godspeed to you all and I hope you get well soon!


Published on 02/01/2018

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